Saturday, May 29, 2010

My Rules For My life

In my life I created rules to create stability in my life... Here they are
  1. Don't ever fight against the weak or females
  2. Only fight when violence is use towards you first
  3. Do not call women bitches (unless they really deserve it)
  4. It is always the woman's choice
  5. Do not start fights
  6. Never cheat in a relationship
  7. (New one) show no emotion of pain
These have helped me in life so far 


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ummmmm I wonder

 For some reason I've been thinking about death.  People say if something is on your mind alot it is definitely going to happen but I don't think so. It's to early to die.  Lets get something straight at this point I'm to young to die meaning at this point I Decide When To Die